2013 Fantasy Oscars Draft Game
It's that time of year again! No, not Valentine's Day or Can-We-Put-The-Coats-Away-Yet? Day. It's almost time for the Academy Awards. And of course, for the 2013 Fantasy Oscars Draft.
Looking for the 2016 edition? Right this way...
In case you missed it last year, I put together a little cut-and-play game for you to follow along with the award show and make it more competitive (a great idea, especially, if you've got some guys who think an Oscar party is their version of hell). It borrows elements from Fantasy Football, where you put together a dream roster of pro football players who earn points for your fantasy team; only this time, you're choosing films, actors, actresses, performers, preseneters, producers and directors to fill out your 2013 Oscars Dream Team.
Wishbone Wrap Place Settings
I've managed to combine some of my favorite things with this project: Neutals, Neon, and unwrapping presents. Even though Thanksgiving is still a month ahead of the gift-giving holiday we all know and love, it's never too early to unwrap
Stamped Ice Cream Spoons
I know, I know… Who can think of Ice Cream at a time like this? It’s practically freezing outside! But let me tell you a little something about myself: I’m a Florida girl who tends to exaggerate when it comes
Spider Mason Jar Votives
I love re-purposing things, especially when it comes to holidays. Your holiday decor has a short shelf life, so you might as well use it in every way you can. Here's a great example of re-purposing from my own Halloween
Glittered Pumpkin Place Cards
I love painting pumpkins and have developed a recent addition to glitter paint. You had to know where this was going. Armed with a paintbrush and a bottle of Martha Stewart Craft Glitter paint in Sterling, I went to town
Spooky Skeleton Hands
When it comes to Halloween, I definitely prefer haunted—spooky music, cobwebs and ghouls—to gore. And these super easy DIY decorations are just the right amount of haunting. Set at the center of a dimly lit dining room or perched on
Use Duct Tape as Water Bottle Party Labels
Think about the last great party you attended. What was it that made the event feel special? It’s the details; it’s the tiny things like hanging a garland or bunting or propping up labels by the food on the buffet.