Felt Rabbit Place Settings
I am a firm believer that holiday decor doesn't have to be over the top. I mean, if you love decorating for Easter with stuffed bunnies, bright green crinkle grass and plastic eggs, go for it! But it's also OK to have a more understated holiday style.
That's why I crafted these felted rabbit place settings. They're festive and fun without screaming "Easter Bunny!" You could even keep these out on the table throughout the year, customizing the colors to match your table scape.
They're really easy, too.
To get started, you'll need sheets of craft store felt (two sheets for each rabbit), spray adhesive, scissors and either a sewing machine or a glue gun.
Oh, and this felt rabbit template right here:
>> DIY Felt Rabbit Template

Paint Chip Garland and other Friday Favorites
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