Stamped Envelope Liners and Other Friday Favorites
I was in Las Vegas last week coordinating a big weekend event & meeting. Things went (mostly) smoothly, and to top it off I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience getting to fly on a zipline across Bootleg Canyon. Now I'm looking forward
Featured on… Southern Weddings
I'm so excited to have been chosen as a finalist in Southern Weddings Magazine's Utlimate Southern Contest! This time around, the theme was burlap, and I created a unique and interactive guestbook alternative. Want to see? Just head to the Southern
Gathering: St. Patrick’s Day DIY & Recipes
The thing I love about St. Patrick's Day is that it can be celebrated by anyone—young or old, single or married, Irish or not. No matter what your walk of life, it's time for you to channel your inner Irish
Green Beer
Did you see this St. Patty's Day champagne cocktail? It's an awesome recipe if you want to add something to your party menu, but I totally understand wanting to stick to the classics. Green dresses, green beads and, of course,
Sparkling Shamrock Champagne Cocktail
St. Patrick's Day and cocktails go hand-in-drunken-hand. Although green beer has always been the drink of choice for the suddenly Irish on March 17, I think it's time we class it up a bit. To get in the spirit, I decided