Oogie Boogie Gummies Serving Bag
Here it is, the first tutorial from our The Nightmare Before Christmas Dessert Bar!
Remember Oogie Boogie? The busting-at-the-seams bad guy from The Nightmare Before Christmas who kidnaps Santa? He looks like a cross between a burlap sack and a voodoo doll. His character is always busting his stitches and dripping out the bugs and worms inside.
So I figured Oogie Boogie was a natural fit for serving up a plate of gummy worms and sour cherry gummies. It's easy, just grab a brown paper bag from the grocery store (it's best if at least one side is blank and not printed), some thick black or brown yarn, scissors, a paper hole punch and a safety pin.
First, cut the brown bag in half, keeping the bottom half of the bag.
The Nightmare Before Christmas Dessert Bar
I have this theory. You want to hear it? I think that the only way to make a great thing better is to have it when you're not supposed to. Like cupcakes for breakfast. Or Christmas in July. But you know what?
It’s All in the Details
It's only after a 50-hour workweek that you truly realize how important life's little celebrations really are. After all, you're slaving away and making that money for something, right? So go ahead. Go crazy at Christmas. Throw a party just 'cause