How I Quit Drinking Soda
I'm a girl who's set in her routine. Wake up, get ready, grab a can of Coke Zero on my way out the door. If I had a particularly rough morning, maybe two. I've never been much into coffee—soda was always
Be a Better Blogger: 5 Must-Read Blogs About Blogging
Want to guess how many unread blog posts are sitting in my reader right now? It's 686. Just since last week. I subscribe to a lot of blogs—food blogs, wedding blogs, lifestyle blogs, home decor blogs
Frosty Margaritas and Crispy Pork at Superica
I use the notes app on my phone to keep track of lots of things. Blog post ideas, future dog names, trying to remember recipes I invent on the fly
On Long-Term Goals and Saving Money for a House
Newlywed life is pretty great so far. I'm finally getting used to calling him "my husband," seven months later. And now we get to enjoy friends' weddings without stressing about our own. The engagement was an incredible time in our lives,
What You Need to Know About The 2015 Met Gala
Coverage of Monday night's Met Gala was everywhere this year, wasn't it?. I don't ever remember the ball getting quite this much play on social media before. I mean, maybe I was living under a rock at the time. Or maybe the gala