Skinny Cucumber Vodka Cocktail
I love when girls share their favorite low-calorie cocktail recipes. It's like we're all a part of some sisterhood that shares secrets about how to stay fit and still have a good time. While tailgating an away football game last fall, one girl's
Taryn Made Me Do It: Top Golf
If you live near one of Top Golf's 10 U.S. locations (or one of the eight about to open), this is where you need to be spending your summer. Even for people who've never golfed before—that would be me, before
Semi-Homemade (But Totally From a Box) Watermelon Cupcakes
Inspiration is like lighting. When it comes, it's strong and bright. But you have to catch it at exactly the right moment. And hopefully funnel that inspiration into a brilliant and original project or recipe. The proverbial "lighting in a bottle." This
Beer Can Chicken
There's one thing I can always count on when we get together with friends for a backyard barbecue: Beer can chicken. It's a unique way of grilling a bird that produces the most moist and delicious chicken you've ever tasted. You
The Perfect Spring Weekend
A few weekends ago, while you could still feel a chill in the air at night, I got together with some friends to say hello to Spring and goodbye to a dear friend. He's now getting settled in his new