How I Quit Drinking Soda
I’m a girl who’s set in her routine. Wake up, get ready, grab a can of Coke Zero on my way out the door. If I had a particularly rough morning, maybe two.
I’ve never been much into coffee—soda was always my drug of choice when it came to waking up in the morning. But It’s been four weeks since I grabbed a can of Coke on the way out the door, and I have to say, I don’t miss it at all. You think it would be tough to break a habit that’s so much a part of your mindless morning routine, but my switch away from being a daily soda drinker was made easy because of my routine.
What did I do? I just traded out the can. I tossed the Coke Zero out of the fridge and replaced it with a case of La Croix, sparkling flavored water that comes in cans. With my morning brain on auto pilot, I grab for a can of water instead of a can of soda, guzzling it down through a straw on the way to work.
Nothing really changed for me, except for the liquid in the can. But I can tell you: my body changed. After a few days of cutting out soda, I felt great. I got better sleep at night, and found it easier to wake up in the morning.
I still drink soda occasionally, on the weekends with a burger and fries. But it’s a treat now, not a requirement. And I actually enjoy it so much more.
If you’re a routine soda drinker like I was, try the switch. If you’re used to canned soda, try La Croix. If you’re used to bottles of pop, stock up on bottles of sparkling water. I think having the bubbles really helps—a can of orange sparkling water almost tastes like orange soda. Almost. Try out some flavors (I love orange, grapefruit, lime and coconut) and see if you can’t get hooked on water for a change.
The flavor of the day? It’s grapefruit. Nestled into my #koozieoftheweekend, Mrs. Williford. This weekend marks two years since Mr. Williford proposed to me on our fourth dating anniversary. So I’ll cheers with this koozie this weekend as we celebrate six years together.
Check out more of my koozie collection on Instagram.
Jeannine | The Small and Chic Home
I did the same thing when I did a clean eating challenge back in March. After a few days, I was completely hooked on lime seltzer and barely interested in diet soda (I had a can-a-day habit).
Did you find that your taste for soda changed? The first soda I had ever the challenge didn’t even taste right to me!
Taryn Williford
Yes! Everything tastes so sugary to me now! I had a ginger ale after a little while and it was so off.