Life. Lately? Crazy.
It’s been a little while since you’ve heard from me here on the blog. I had a birthday. And then it was the Fourth of July. And I’ve just been really enjoying life.
I haven’t been “lifestyle” living lately. Just real-life living.
There have been a few changes around here. Mr. Williford started a great new job that has him working far away from a corporate office—mostly out in the field, but a little bit from home. And I’ll be working from home full-time soon (more on that later). So we’ve done a lot of work on our home office, turning a messy room into an actual workspace.
We visited Asheville, North Carolina, for the holiday weekend. It was a lot of sightseeing and eating and drinking. And some fireworks.
I used the long weekend to finally get better acquainted with Snapchat, sharing a bunch of photos and some video from the road and our AirBnB-rented house in Asheville. I’m still looking for more people to follow, so hit me up if you’re on Snapchat (I’m tarynwilliford. Clever, I know.) Here’s a taste of that nonsense for you…
And lastly, the #koozieoftheweekend Instagram project is still going strong. I’m on koozie number nine right now (and going to keep it up for 52 weeks).
P.S. Anybody else watching Big Brother? (Find me on Twitter, I love to talk about it.) I just realized the other day that I’ve been watching that show since I was 14. So, it’s getting pretty serious between us, you guys.