Drinking Bulldog Margaritas in Austin, Texas
April was a whirlwind for me. I've been traveling a ton, thanks mainly to a work event in Miami and Southwest's cheap fares to Austin, Texas. I wanted to catch up and share some of the things that I've been seeing, doing and eating.
I spent a weekend in Austin, Texas visiting up with some great friends from college. They played wonderful hosts, showing us around the city and introducing us to some of the best that Austin has to offer. I left Texas with tons of inspiration and ideas for hip summer entertaining.
I had some amazing beer...
Shiner Ruby Redbird really is the perfect summer brew. It's got flavors of Texas Ruby Red grapefruit and ginger. I found some when I got back home to Atlanta, so look around your local grocery store and see if you can find this diamond for your next summer party.
...and some amazing barbeque...
This here is Rudy's. It's a local chain, and the one I went to in Austin was curiously attached to a gas station. I immediately knew it was eaither going to be terrible, or the best thing I've ever tasted. I'm very pleased to say it was the latter.
The thing I loved most about Rudy's was how everything at the restaurant—from the plain picnic tables to the "plates" of torn butcher paper—fit the atmosphere of a down home backyard BBQ. Oh, and they do barbeque right at Ruby's, giving you half a loaf of plain white bread and all the pickles you can eat.
Chicken and Waffles Cupcakes… in Mason Jars!
Guess what I did this weekend?
With a lifelong philosophy that "more is more," I decided that it would be a good idea to combine two of my absolute favorite things:
Chicken and Waffles Cupcakes and mason jars.

Leftover Batter? Bake Cupcakes in Mason Jars!
Just like trying to figure out how to spend a generous gift card, having too much batter on your hands is not a bad problem to have. And that's exactly where I found myself this weekend. Not with the gift card
Out of Town Bags: Atlanta
Maybe it's because I love to travel. Or maybe it's because I love to shop when I travel. Or maybe it's because when I travel, I love to buy/eat/see as many local favorites as possible. Whatever it is, I love daydreaming