Anti-Pop, K-Pop & the Forrest Bounce
So, hey. It’s been a minute (several years actually) since I updated this blog. I’m going to pretend like no time has passed and just get on with the show.
I have been fortunate that my day job as an editor at Apartment Therapy gives me plenty of time and opportunity to channel my creative energy and share the things I know, try and do day to day. But recently, I’ve been missing this space. An opportunity to blog not just about cleaning tips or what furniture to buy, but just… life. What I’m into. What I’m trying to get into. A place to share thoughts that are bigger or longer than a tweet, but not quite focused enough to be proper #content over at AT.
So, I’m back.
Here’s what I got into this week:
This Anti-Pop playlist on Spotify. Give me all the BROCKHAMPTON, Billie Eilish, Rex Orange County and Oliver Tree.
I need another boy band obsession like I need another boy band obsession, but I made the critical error of watching SNL, falling in love with BTS, and joining a BTS-centric group chat. My bad. If you need a primer, the gc pointed me to this this YouTube playlist to introduce you to the members, and this music video starter pack.
James Holzhauer making a crazy run on Jeopardy and making a ton of money at it. Very relatable to me, personally, as a bar trivia champion. I went on a two-month run of not having to pay for a single Taco Tuesday dinner at Tijuana Garage thanks to bar cash. So I know how it is, is all I’m saying. There was a great article on Wired this week about James and his strategy—including something I picked up on but didn’t know there was a name for: The Forrest Bounce. Worth a read if you’re also Way Too Into Trivia.
Apparently Ariana Grande is reuniting ‘N Sync (minus JT) tonight at Coachella???????? This is truly all I am going to talk about for the next week, so unfollow me right now.

Ok byeeeeeee