Paint Chip Easter Egg Garland
Don't you love it when projects are so simple?
Stop fumbling with plastic spoons trying to triple-dip stripes onto your Easter egg. You can get the same colorful pattern, in a convenient 2-dimensional form, without any dye stains thanks to this paint chip Easter egg garland.
The idea came from Modern Parents Messy Kids.
All you really need to do is buddy up to the paint guy at your local home store and grab a punch of paint chips. Go rainbow, go monochrome. Whatever! You could even extend this to a birthday party or any other occasion by cutting out different shapes from your paint swatches.
Color-coordinating party decorations has never been easier.
Ready to get started? Grab your chips and some craft supplies and let's get going.
(Oh, you'll also want to print out our free Egg Garland Template, below)
Valentine’s Day Gumball Necklaces
I'm the anti-Goldilocks when it comes to jewelery.
If I'm going to rock a necklace or earrings, they've either got to be really small and dainty or really, really big. Like, huge. I still haven't found a cocktail ring big enough.
If you love big jewelery like me (and I suspect you do), you're probably a fan of over-sized pearls. And if you're a fan of over-sized pearls (which I suspect you are), you've probably already fallen in love with these necklaces.
Only, those aren't pink pearls. They're gumballs!
I spotted these over at One Charming Party. They're perfect for Valentine's Day, and the perfect V-day gift for your daughters or girlfriends. They're creative, cheap and impossible to mess up.
So let's get started.
Out of Town Bags: Atlanta
Maybe it's because I love to travel. Or maybe it's because I love to shop when I travel. Or maybe it's because when I travel, I love to buy/eat/see as many local favorites as possible. Whatever it is, I love daydreaming
Oogie Boogie Gummies Serving Bag
Here it is, the first tutorial from our The Nightmare Before Christmas Dessert Bar!
Remember Oogie Boogie? The busting-at-the-seams bad guy from The Nightmare Before Christmas who kidnaps Santa? He looks like a cross between a burlap sack and a voodoo doll. His character is always busting his stitches and dripping out the bugs and worms inside.
So I figured Oogie Boogie was a natural fit for serving up a plate of gummy worms and sour cherry gummies. It's easy, just grab a brown paper bag from the grocery store (it's best if at least one side is blank and not printed), some thick black or brown yarn, scissors, a paper hole punch and a safety pin.
First, cut the brown bag in half, keeping the bottom half of the bag.